It finally got hot in Colorado this week. Not as hot and humid as it has been in Taiwan, of course. (A typhoon is passing by to the south of Taiwan, so probably the rains are providing a little relief.) Our schedule this summer has included retreats, counseling, reflection, and lots of meetings and consultations. Rather than being limited in what we can share because of keeping other people's stories private, the bigger limit these days is figuring out what our own story is and how to share it. We have a sense that the Father is in our process, and bringing us new insights, perspective, and peace as we go along.
One of the recurring themes that we are being impressed with is that relying on the Father is not a matter of ceaseless activity, but rather requires renewal through rest, reflection, and intercession. Last month we spent one full week at Every day we were reminded to rest, to listen, and to reflect by the setting, the facilitators, the host couple, the fellow servants in ministry, the reading materials, the schedule, and the devotional guides. I can't say this made for an easy week, because it directed our attention to everything we were still carrying inside, what we had left behind, and to what we would return. Still, ultimately it kept directing us back to the one who has been there from the beginning--the Word who is life and light. This is the treasure we cannot lose and the only sufficient grounding for any plans we make or hopes we have.
If you've been following our journey, you know we're pondering next steps this summer, and one of those questions is whether we should transition back to the US as a base for ministry at some point, instead of just our sending country and community. We continue to have a passion for caring for people in international ministry, and we don't expect that to change, but we are reflecting deeply and searching for wisdom and direction regarding where and how to work out that passion for ministry.
Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and interceding for us. Please know that we are not only talking, researching, reflecting, and strategizing for the future, but also having a great summer in a beautiful and spacious place. The best thing, of course, is that we are together with our emerging and transitioning young adult children at this time, and able to discuss and pray together about the challenges each and all of us face.
Yours from the far side (well, maybe not, depending on your perspective), Steve and Laura
PS Thanks to all of you who partner with us in ministry, and to those of you who have shared thoughts or perspectives on our journey. We do welcome more of both! It makes a difference.
Da Yi Street, Lane 29, #18, 2F-1, Taichung 404, TAIWAN
011 886 4 2236-6145, wk 2236-1901, fx 2236-2109, cell 9 2894-0514
USA: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, 719.528.1702, cell 719.355.4809
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
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