We're back in Colorado Springs and April is already rolling by. It is definitely a big adjustment to be back, and I can say it gives me no pleasure to say "I'm an m'n'ry living in Colorado." Still, we are glad to be back and while we know adjustment will take a long time, we are beginning that journey. Among other things, we are part of a new small group through our church for empty nesters and have now been meeting with these folks since January. We are enjoying very much being closer to Laura's parents, but we're seriously considering housing options that would keep us close but take us out of the house here. At this point, they don't really need us in the house and Laura is yearning for a place to settle. Please remember us in this part of our journey.
Speaking of settling, we mean to actively choose to stay, flourish, and contribute where God has now put us. I'm realizing this is going to take some energy on my part. It is too easy for me to survive without really belonging to the community in which I find myself. So I have been asking myself some questions. Things like, "Who do I choose to spend time with when I'm not working?" "Where do I find my identity and sense of belonging to community?" "What does it mean to love and respect those around me as unique people of value, regardless of whether they share my various perspectives, world view, and orientation?" "Who do I want to be like?" "Who do I enjoy?" It might surprise you, but I'm not sure I've ever felt at liberty to even ask questions like this in my life until now. So I have a lot to learn. With the same love that the father loves me, so also I would like to love my neighbors.
Regarding my work, I use skype more to talk to people around the world, including a monthly conference call with our global care team that connects Spain, Thailand, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Illinois and now Colorado. I am also working on a few projects I find interesting. The two that are hottest at the moment are an initiative to deal with sexual purity challenges in the global ministry community and a marriage experience to help couples in international ministry through rest, reflection, and renewal. We did two major trips in the first quarter, one to Thailand and one up and down the midwest in the snow and bitter cold. April and May should be a bit quieter. I've got a couple short trips this month. Next month we'll host our kids for varying amounts of time.
In addition to working with me some of the time, Laura is particularly interested in connecting with internationals, including refugees and students, here in Colorado.
Thanks for caring for us, communicating with us, and partnering with us in these emerging ministry roles.
With love in the one who keeps us, Steve and Laura
9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
719.528.1702, cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
<spinella@alumni.rice.edu> <lauraspinella@alumni.rice.edu>
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
<spinella@alumni.rice.edu> <lauraspinella@alumni.rice.edu>
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