That's right, I'm slow to get the news out--it's already on facebook, people are finding out at conferences in Taiwan (shout out to TMF!), and Sarah did a much better job of rolling out the news than her dad, for sure.
Still, you might not yet know that the big date is June 28, 2014, the place is Colorado Springs, and there's room for you at the wedding. And has anyone actually told you what Sarah's parents think of John Forcey, this 27 y.o. wunderkind who somehow has convinced not only Sarah herself, but also Sarah's parents to endorse this major life change? I thought not...
Sarah's mom has told me that John has won her heart (Laura's, I mean here) because of the tender and patient way in which he cares for Sarah, listening well to her, sharing his own heart in an authentic way, and responding attentively.
Her brothers were a little concerned that John might not be able to handle this smart, opinionated older sister, [who once said, "I'm the head hog," leading to a rather pointed, and insightful, short story about three hedge hogs (and how they grew...) by brother Robert.] They have been reassured on this point.
I gave my consent (Kirk, father of Joey's wife Laura, I feel your pain!) not only because John has captured Sarah's deepest affections and shares her deep faith, but also because we have room for another adult son, shared though he is, and I, too, really enjoy John's thoughtful approach to a sincere and meaningful life.
For those wondering, John is a philosophy phd student at Texas A&M, who grew up in the US and Mexico, with parents now in Pennsylvania and a sister in Seattle. He and Sarah share a simple (read "frugal") approach to life, and that's probably a good thing, what with two phd students, one in philosophy and one in psychology.
And for those wondering, the ring is beautiful (classic and simple), and John proposed on one of their favorite bike rides, complete with a video record of their favorite spots including the one where he kneeled and offered the ring. They had just celebrated a year of dating, and were anticipating joining our family at Sarah's cousin's wedding in Abilene, Texas, where the word spread quite quickly.
I didn't check with Sarah before I sent this out, and Sarah's mom is in College Station with Sarah right now, helping her move into TAMU residential housing (a small apartment of her own, first time she has lived alone) for her new assistantship as a Residence Director (or something like that, she's a resource to the floor leaders and the women in a girl's dorm on campus.) So I am solely responsible for any errors here and corrections may be coming.
Yours in him who keeps, Steve and Laura
PS If you want to see pictures, find Sarah Spinella ( on Facebook! If you make plans to come, please let us know so we can be sure you get an official invitation, too. And if you want to stick around and visit us, my guess is that we'll be less distracted after June 28 :-)
PPS Ministry wise, we've been mainly hanging in Colorado this summer after a lot of travel in the spring right through the end of May, but we did get back to Illinois for a week of REAP--where TEAM gathers staff from their international assignments some face time in the midst of their busy home assignments. It was a great time of building relationships, coming alongside, and going deeper. We went straight from there to Abilene, TX, where we got the good news above. Please lift us up as we ask what God has in mind for the coming months, both in terms of travel and other ministry.
PPPS (Actually, I don't know if there is such a thing!) Our son and other daughter Joey and Laura Spinella are doing well in Austin, and will celebrate their first Anniversary Sunday. Our other son Robert is working here in Colorado and we like having him around!
Steve and Laura Spinella
street: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
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TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
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