Friday, November 22, 2013

[TEAMspinella] Suppose it was...unconditional

Here in Colorado we're having a winter storm. Snow and ice have come with temperatures down to 5 degrees (-15 Celsius). We have an adult son who drives our cars--love you, Robert! So what would you do when he decides to get together with friends on the coldest, iciest night so far?

Laura stated unconditionally she wouldn't go out on a night like this. Bob and Martha (her parents) weren't here, but we know they would agree. Steve told stories about storms and car accidents he has had. Bottom line--Robert still wanted to go. "Was the offer to drive the car a conditional one?" Apparently it was unconditional--at least in this case. Robert appears to have returned home as well--the car is parked out front and I hear the shower running this morning.

This got me thinking about unconditional. (It's the internet age, and apparently I can now use words as almost any part of speech.) I facilitate a lot of groups--how open are my open questions? There are at least a few conditions, even if unspoken. I know because these things have come up. For instance, you aren't allowed to attack someone else in the group, physically or verbally--even is that is your authentic reaction! Also, you aren't allowed to talk forever--eventually someone will stop you!

I also get a lot of ads. Now that I'm back in the US, I can usually read them (unless the print is too small!) When I get an unconditional offer--I don't believe it. Sometimes I fall for things without spotting "the catch." Recently I bought new gear shifters for my bike on Ebay--what came was a large collection of tiny parts--probably complete, that fit inside gear shifters I don't even have. When they first arrived, I thought they were just disassembled gear shifters, but that wasn't even true. (Free to the first reader who asks!) Apparently the sale was...unconditional, but the return policy certainly wasn't.

So when 1 John says, "we love because he first loved us," that's conditional. First love, that's something else. "While we were yet sinners, [the firstborn of all creation] died for the ungodly." He should have gotten a contract: I'll die if you'll repent. There was no contract, it was...unconditional.

One of my friends said it this way, "I don't like doing things where I don't get good results and no one appreciates me." That caught my attention. I can handle one or the other, but both? That's pretty tough.

One of my current assignments is reviewing readiness assessments for people who want to do international ministry with our org. To put it another way, we're assessing condition. That's hard to do. Who likes to hear--or say--that someone is not in good enough condition to take an international ministry assignment they want?

Another assignment I have is caring for people who are facing a challenge that interferes with their international ministry--sometimes everyone agrees, sometimes the person or others involved is skeptical.

In both these cases, my calling is to make my love unconditional, and to seek the gentle truth--the truth, which we all need from the almighty and each other, expressed with gentleness and unconditional love. I don't find this easy.

And even though traffic and life in general is far less crowded and congested here than it was in Taiwan, I don't find it easy to be kind and generous unconditionally. I don't even find it easy to love my family unconditionally, much less friends, coworkers, neighbors, and strangers.

What conditions are you entitled to? What is something you want to be...unconditional from others? What would it mean to you to be more...unconditional?

In him who keeps us...unconditionally, Steve and Laura

PS This year I'm staying home from mental health and missions, the conference I've gone to so many years at this time. This saves some money and travel. I've had steady tinnitis (ringing of the ears) for a number of months now, and don't know if it's...unconditional! I'd like to be relieved of it if that were possible.

Steve and Laura Spinella
street: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
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