"To come alongside to help" is the root meaning of the Greek word Paraclete. It is also the name of an international ministry organization (Paraclete.net) that Laura and I have been invited to join. We would like to ask for your input in this decision.
Paraclete Mission Group [Paraclete] was formed to empower people [like us] to serve just in time, as needed, people in international ministry who can benefit from our care, coaching, and consulting. If we make this change, TEAM would continue to be a key client, but Paraclete Mission Group would become our sponsoring non-profit organization. Paraclete is small, nimble, and an experienced partner to organizations like TEAM (TEAM.org). In fact, the Center for Counseling and Growth in Taiwan (CCGasia.net), where we previously served, has
become one of the organizations Paraclete serves and partners with.
Paraclete comes alongside m
agencies, chrches and chrch
movements involved in expanding the Kingdom of
the Father
around the world.
Paraclete associates are experienced
m's and professionals who use their histories, skills and gifts to partner with individuals and organizations to help them be effective in life and ministry. We think this is a good fit for us. I first entered international ministry as a teacher at age 22, more than 36 years ago. I have worked in the scope of Paraclete's
statement since 1990, seeking to help dozens of organizations and hundreds of individuals active in international life and ministry to stay, flourish, and contribute.
Using Paraclete as a platform Laura and I can continue to serve TEAM while also coming alongside other
ministries and
people serving internationally. The added freedom of a smaller organization focused on ministries like ours may enhance our ability to continue in ministry longer and more flexibly. At the same time, we will have the companionship and accountability of other experienced contributors and administrative systems specifically geared to support this kind of ministry.
Why make a change?
Any change includes losses as well as gains. We continue to appreciate and affirm TEAM and its ministries, and TEAM values our partnership with them as well. So why make a change? Here are three factors:
FOCUS: TEAM is a direct service organization. Our focus in ministry is serving TEAM and its people, as well as their peers. The focus of Paraclete as an organization more closely aligns with our own focus in ministry.
FUNDING: TEAM operates based on more of a fixed funding model for its staff and associates while Paraclete operates on more of a proportional funding model
. Since our funding for ministry has dropped since our return from Taiwan, a proportional model is more efficient for us. (In both cases, all funds given to the ministries are used for the ministries' purposes, and our ministry is supervised by the sponsoring organization.)
FIT: In Taiwan I led a ministry initiative that worked in partnership with many ministries, including TEAM. The need for care sometimes occurs in the midst of organizational tensions. Being a partner and friend rather than a staff member can be a strategic role, and it is one which I find a good fit for our ministry. The global care team on which I currently function for TEAM already includes both TEAM staff and partners sponsored by other ministry organizations.
As a smaller organization, Paraclete has less infrastructure. There will be no group health plan, no magazine like TEAM Horizons, and no accumulated funds to fuel recruitment and growth
of the organization such as TEAM now
We will continue...
-to rely on ministry partners and sending churches for our ministry funding,
-to maintain personal health insurance,
-to plan for our eventual retirement and other contingencies, and
-to encourage others to serve internationally through many organizations, and especially TEAM and Paraclete.
While we are serious and prayerful about this potential change, no date has been set. Assuming it goes forward, letters will go out from TEAM and Paraclete to our ministry partners announcing the change and the date it takes place. We have already been gathering feedback from our sending chrches, but we also want to include you in our change process. Thank you so much for the role you have played in our lives, our journey, and our ministries. What is your input as we consider this change?
We are desiring to continue our current ministry and expand it by serving additional people and organizations in international ministry. Our
ministry strategy remains the same. Our
history of service prepares us for continued ministry in this way. We continue to have a good relationship with TEAM. Our
application to Paraclete.net included an account of our journey, further discussion of the challenges, and references who are willing to speak openly about our ministry together.
Paraclete has an
statement of faith, is a
US non-profit in good standing, and has appropriate structures for financial, ministry, and personal accountability.
Each of the bold
underlined words and phrases in this paragraph are supported by
additional information, available by request
. If you have additional questions, please email us with your request for information.
We very much want your feedback as we consider this change. Any change is stressful and can be scary.
Here is a
simple online survey (
http://goo.gl/forms/S6Dl66Otyn) where
can give us feedback
, anonymously if you prefer
. People can also email feedback to
spinella@alumni.rice.edu or call us at
719.355.4809 (Steve) or
832.755.4261 (Laura).
Thanks, Steve and Laura Spinella