Saturday, October 01, 2016

[TEAMspinella] We took a vacation!

Since this is an email update about our ministry, you might be surprised that I mention this. But it's true. We took a vacation--in France, without visiting relatives we haven't seen forever, and we spent almost all our time like tourists :-)

For international ministry workers, vacation is often a "sensitive" topic. First, we often mix ministry and friendship, and meet up with people wherever and whenever they have time to talk, so it can seem funny to call what we're doing "work." And if that's work, what would vacation look like or why would we need one? Second, we may travel or live in places others consider exotic, even places others typically go while on vacation, not while working--or places people would like to go if only they could! Third, since our ministries are funded by family, friends, and fellowships giving sacrificially, it can seem odd or even wrong to spend scarce funds taking a vacation. Fourth, as a group we tend to overwork and seldom spend money or time on ourselves.

So here's the scoop. We had a ministry trip cancelled in August for reasons on the other side of the globe, and as we asked what to do instead, the idea of taking a vacation was impressed on us, we hope by the heavenly father! Within a few short weeks, ministry friends shared an available apartment in the Paris area, and we went to France, rented a car, rode bikes along rivers, visited museums, and took pictures, spending most of our time for about ten days just as a couple. Along the way I turned 60. It seemed terribly expensive, was delightfully memorable, and was a very clear change of pace for us.

Since we've come back we've had meetings for Paraclete Mission Group, the international women's activities have started up, and in a few short days I'm taking a 24 day trip to Asia, without Laura.

I guess we still face challenging questions every day about how to live in this world, and time and money are the units in which those questions are calculated. Working in international ministry has not removed these questions, nor has growing older. Thank you for walking with us in this journey. May we also walk well with you and others in the journeys and choices facing each of us day by day.

In him who keeps us, Steve and Laura

PS And what about you? Do you take vacations? Do they replenish you? If you want to have an "interesting" conversation with your ministry friends, try asking them about their last "real" vacation. At the very least, you should get an interesting reaction. But maybe you'll be able to listen well and walk alongside in another part of their journeys. 

We tried to attach a couple pictures from France just for fun. These are from Giverny. Do I look a bit like Monet? There is a photo album at Steve and Laura went to France!

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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