Saturday, July 01, 2017

[TEAMspinella] A Position on Transition or why I'm leaving Colorado for Ohio in the middle of July

When I came back to the US as a senior in high school, having left in seventh grade, I had no idea why I felt so adrift and alienated. Things have changed a good bit since then.

In fact, these days people who think that transitions between worlds aren't traumatic are akin to climate change deniers in some circles I travel in--they're out there, but they stand a bit apart from the other folks. (And this isn't about climate change or creation science, I'm just trying to relate this across worlds.)

Then there's the question of what you even do in a transition you talk about practical adjustments, like android pay and depositing checks on your phone, or the theory of difference, like why the term "third culture kid" means anything or how to build relationships with people you secretly dismiss as so radically different you'll never be able to relate, or people who perhaps secretly dismiss you. Do you huddle up with other internationals and affirm your unique identities and commonalities, or do you shed your differences faster than a speeding jet? Or maybe you just learn to be like a rabbit at sunset, mainly freezing so you blend into the landscape, but occasionally running like crazy to get away from potentially difficult situations?

Would people be better off just hanging for two weeks with some locals or watching youtube videos online?

In spite of all these questions, or perhaps because of them, a group of returning young adults will be gathering in Ohio for two weeks, and I'll be leaving Laura et al behind to join them. We'll do some of the above. I understand that it's actually possible to have fun in Ohio in July, regardless of how many OH license plates I see in Colorado. One way of looking at it is that we orient adults and families in transitions to international ministry, and surely this transition is just as big. And of course lots of colleges have either optional or mandatory "orientations" for entering freshmen who aren't coming from other worlds, so it certainly seems reasonable that students coming internationally might benefit from some orientation particularly targeted toward them. It's part "debriefing" and part "think destination."

If you want to read more about it, try this link: I'll leave for Ohio Friday, after enjoying one of those quintessential American holidays known as "July 4th." Did you know Venezuelan independence day is "July 5th?" Pray for Venezuela, too, if you don't mind. BTW, they don't really celebrate it with firecrackers, but my last summer as an mk in Venezuela Richard and I went up on a mountain peak that hovered in the middle of the Caripe, Edo Monagas, valley, camped overnight, and set off cohetes, which are a very oversized version of bottle rockets. Yes, even though you travel between worlds, you might never forget, though some can and do block out the memories--probably one of those less recommended transition strategies.

All the best in your transitions, whatever they may be. Is it bothering you how long the days are right now? This really IS a non-issue in the tropics, I promise. Intercede for me. Even my late 20's kids groan at my humor, it could be grim in Ohio. As usual, though, I'll mainly be in search of a few more good conversations.

In him who keeps us, here, there, and everywhere,

Steve and Laura

PS Laura will stay behind, please lift up both of us. If you're wondering if I've ever participated in a transitions seminar before, yes, it was 1985 on the New Jersey shore with the guy who later wrote the book (literally.)

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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