Saturday, December 22, 2018

[TEAMspinella] Christmas 2018

Merry Christmas! This year I decided to use the four gospels for the four weeks of advent—leading to some surprising discoveries as we looked at how each of the gospel bringers chose to introduce the advent of the coming king, in ways that differ as much as the personalities of me and any three of my friends!

This Christmas for us can also be marked in many ways. Since last January our adult children have all been living in Colorado, and then, early in the tenth month, we welcomed our first grandchild, Evangeline Joy Forcey (daughter of Sarah and John.) As had been foretold to us, it's really cool and she's really special.

My ministry happens both here and afar, but the trips are more exciting to talk about. This year trips included two to North Africa—one with Laura, one trip to Taiwan, and various jaunts within the US for me, including one to Ohio while Laura went to France for a family wedding! We also went to Costa Rica—just because, and, as Laura got tired of hearing me say to many patient Ticos, I was last there when I lived there for a year at age 13.

While I enjoy great converstations everywhere, and especially with those in international ministry, going back to Taiwan was particularly awesome. Having lived there 15 years, but now gone for 8, I was surprised by the chances to remember, to reconnect, and to re-engage in ministry in a place so significant in our lives. A particular treat was connecting with the staff of the Counseling Center that I once led, but that now goes on in some wonderful ways without me. None of the counselors there now were there when I left! They even let me tell some old stories.

Many of you know that we also come alongside Laura's parents. It's been a challenging year for them, but they are both still alive and living in their home. Next year looks even more challenging from a human perspective, but we are happy to have come this far and trusting God knows the way yet ahead.

Did I mention Laura turned 60 this year? The international women celebrated with her as did our family also, but she still looks young and energetic to all of us. One of her daily habits is to use Remember Me (, a Bible memory app for tablet and phone. She amazes me. She also has seen Evangeline every day since she was born except for two. The smile she gets when she holds her is truly awesome.

So I'd better go hang out with family while I still can, and may God give you his peace this winter season, whether it is a time of plenty or a time of want, or, as is often true, a time for both.

In the name of the one who did not consider equality with God something to be gripped with white knuckles, but rather became human in appearance and entered our world according to God's plan, even so far as to die on a cross, and upon so doing was exalted to the place of honor over all!

[And that's one more way of telling the Christmas story, from the letter to the Christ followers in Philippi!]

In him who keeps us, Steve and Laura

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

[TEAMspinella] I love my Taiwan part 2

I know some of you were praying specifically for my surgery. Thanks. I just want to follow up and say, "it's over." Experiencing China Medical University Hospital as an inpatient was both entertaining and surprising, but never really scary. My Center for Counseling and Growth buddies stayed with me every step of the way, and I received excellent care as well..

The ENT surgeon, respectfully referred to as Professor Lin (Lin Chia-Der) by all the medical interns etc, was even so kind as to show me the "friend" I've been carrying around. Don't click on the attached pictures if you don't want to see it!

So now I'm back to my other purpose, looking for those good conversations, which are also happening, making this seem like a wonderful trip. However, I'm done with fitting in rides along our favorite bike routes in the mountains, as I am not to do vigorous exercise for two weeks. I am also to avoid caffeine, so I'll only be ordering fruit juice at the tea stands this next week. (As one person here said, this is the land of coffee and tea, so this is a bit of a sacrifice.) Maybe I can get a second opinion on this from a US doctor?!

The total price including the two nights in the hospital came out to just under $2400 USD, so we saved $3000 or more while Bright Health (our high deductible affordable care act plan) saved about the same as well, based on the price of the surgery in network in Colorado and our insurance coverage (about $9000 quote with a $6650 deductible). Still, I realize that living a couple blocks away from the hospital for 15 years gave me a level of comfort most foreigners wouldn't have.

So I've had my health care adventure, hopefully for this year at least. And squeezed in one more international ministry trip! In that regard, I still have a wonderfully full schedule with lots of great people to be alongside until I leave Tuesday morning, when my first flight is curiously scheduled to leave at exactly the time my last flight is scheduled to end--1135am. We'll see what actually happens.

Thanks for praying.

Steve (and Laura)

PS Remember, don't open the attached photos before meals or bedtime.

PPS Apparently I didn't send this correctly yesterday, I apologise if you got it twice...and of course, for the pictures.

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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Saturday, November 03, 2018

[TEAMspinella] I love my Taiwan

If you tracked my last email, you may not be surprised I'm writing you from Taiwan.

First, it's good Laura stayed back, even though she's missing some of our favorite bike rides. I carefully record them on Strava so she can be envious. However, tomorrow will be my last ride this trip, as the MD doing my surgery Monday says I need to abstain from vigorous activity, including biking, for two weeks. Both her parents and our kids (especially Sarah with the new baby) have appreciated her being alongside them while I am gone. They are doing okay at the moment, but it has not all been smooth!

Second, yes, I am having the nose surgery in Taiwan. I was able to see the surgeon the first day I arrived and schedule for this coming Monday. I enter China Medical University Hospital, near our old apartment, Sunday some time (they call when they have a bed, so pray that they do!) I will either stay two nights or more if it appears needed.

A dear friend here looked at the orange (mandarin, juzi) I brought him and said, "For the doctor, this surgery is as easy as peeling that orange. He'll be thinking about his fishing trip, or cracking jokes with the nurses and medical students, while he does it in no time. (Yes, that's you, Richard.) Since Richard is an MD himself, running a small hospital, I couldn't disagree, but I did remind him that as the patient I consider minor surgery what happens to someone else, not what happens to me. However, if you're worrying, I'm assured it's not likely cancer, and it is easy to do with an endoscope (surgeon in a tube) since it can be accessed from the outside. In the US it would be an outpatient procedure, though still done in a hospital because I will be intubated for breathing and sedated for stillness. Here it is normally a three day stay. All the same, I am informed that it will be significantly cheaper. So far that has been true, even if you include the airfare.

I am also having a marvelous time in Taiwan, with many good conversations, many with old friends, some with new. I also am being hosted by a generous family at my kid's old school, borrowing a bicycle and a scooter, and generally enjoying sights, sounds, and especially tastes that have been an important part of my journey.

Of course, things have changed and are changing, and I'm now older than most, and the same age as peers we knew long ago who have left or who are leaving. Still, so far I feel the father's presence and generous provision for this trip, and I am thankful I am able to be here, even though my new granddaughter Evangeline is still back in Colorado, as well as many others that I love.

Thanks for praying, including on Monday (Sunday night if you're in the US) and beyond.

In him who keeps us all, Steve (and Laura)

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

[TEAMspinella] Making decisions in ministry

Last Thursday our daughter Sarah Forcey gave birth to precious Evangeline, our first grandchild. We are so grateful that both are doing well, incredibly so, and are living right around the corner from us. Evangeline Joy, 6 lbs 14 oz, 19.5", was even born on her due date, which was her father John's birthday also!

Laura and I just got back from a trip to the land of pyramids. A personal highlight was snorkeling in the Red Sea. I had heard about the exodus and so forth, but I didn't know the Red Sea has some of the best snorkeling anywhere. Apparently this is because of the steady temperatures and the lack of strong currents. It does however have a lot of surface winds, still what a treat to see the fish and corals. Our schedule worked out so that we had three days to fill between engagements and so it was! No pictures, though, from us!

We were there because we got invited to hang out with some frontline workers from one of the world's biggest countries, which is also the home of many fervent Christ-followers. This was very stretching for us, and especially me, as I do not hesitate to declare Chinese my third best language. I got to use some Spanish on this trip also, but not nearly so much. Lots of English, too, and almost no Arabic, at least on our part :-)

Fortunately for me, when I was asked to talk about forgiveness with a group of Sudanese teachers, that was in English, albeit with a stretch in accents and worldview. Many of these were refugees who have experienced extreme losses, so it was not an academic discussion. That was a very meaningful time, though quite stretching and emotional. In a very limited facility with limited resources in two shifts, 7a-12n and 1-6p, Africa Hope teaches over 400 ethnic Sudanese children who otherwise would not have an education and provides a meal as well.

For me one of the best things about the trip, though, was that Laura was alongside. Her presence significantly changes everything I do and opens up new possibilities, although she is sometimes hardly aware of this happening. It also highlighted that this was not a typical tourist jaunt by any means, although it had its tourist moments along the way.

Coming alongside people in these contexts was very meaningful for us, and we trust also for them. My next trip will be a little different. I'll be going back to Taiwan. I've been wanting to go for some time to come alongside those we left behind as well as some of those who have taken our place in ministry there, but now I have a second agenda. I need a sinus surgery as I have a growth (antrochoanal polyp) filling a sinus cavity and largely blocking my left nostril. In Taiwan this outpatient procedure may be much cheaper (perhaps 80%?) than in the US, so I'm hoping to do it there. If this doesn't work out, I'll still be able to do it here in the US when I return.

In the meantime I said "no" to two ministry trips I had planned to take. One was superceded by the opportunity last month, the second choice is coming up, and I will miss those folks I will not be able to join. Was I led to say "no" because I would need a surgery? Perhaps, as both are true, but I cannot say for sure. I certainly did not know that at the time. Decisions are sometimes like that. The best reasons may emerge after the fact or not at all.

When it comes to making decisions, what particularly strikes me at the moment is that it is difficult and ever so unclear. Conviction is quite different from certainty. The human condition leaves us open to conviction, rightly or wrongly, but also leaves us open to a lot of second guessing, by ourselves and others. It reminds me also not to judge others' decisions too quickly, when my own can be viewed from so many varying perspectives. Ultimately I ask a lot for grace, mercy, and the ability to journey on in the midst of uncertainty and uncertain times. As I come alongside others, I am often encouraging them to remain hopeful, take it easy, and keep going even when the way is precarious and uncertain. Perhaps it's a bit like crossing a traffic circle on foot in Cairo?! (We both did it multiple times, but certainly not with ease or certainty.)

Thank you for praying with us in the midst of all these things. Thank you for your patience with our imperfect decisions and faltering abilities in coming alongside others. Thank you for your own commitments, alongside us, as you also make decisions without certainty. May you often have conviction!

With love in the one who keeps us all, Steve and Laura

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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Thursday, July 26, 2018

[TEAMspinella] Sunrise in Ohio

Whoa! It's been almost three months since our last email update.

We've had various visitors and ministry opportunities here in Colorado, but also two ministry trips. Laura went with me to Oregon to come alongside a couple adjusting to some unexpected health challenges on top of everything else. Then just now I made a trip to Ohio for an MK Transition Seminar coordinated by at Cedarville University. Two weeks with 39 emerging adults transitioning from... high school to college, international life to US life, and family life to greater independence,... did not just keep me young, but reminded me how old I am. This was especially true when I tried to play sand volleyball.

On my last full day there, Laura and I marked our 38th anniversary...but she was in France! Our nephew got married and our son Joey was able to make the trip with Laura in between jobs. It was a sweet time, from all I hear and the pictures I've seen. Apparently Joey and Laura also got to watch France win the world cup in an outdoor school plaza with hundreds of wild fans. I watched it on recorded delay with dozens of crazy mk's! Oh, I did see a great sunrise in Ohio, too (attached.) They tell me the corn is unusually tall this year. I can only say that it was much taller than this time last year! Did you ever hear the saying "knee high by the fourth of July"? Apparently this is a saying, referring to the normal height of corn. This year it was well over my head.

One anecdote I heard was that an MK (unfortunately, don't do this!) was told that the crops to the north of campus were tobacco and the crops to the south were marijuana. She thought this was sad for a Christian college, only to realize after a couple years of further adjusting that it was actually corn and soybeans. Of course, the real challenges of transition are more important questions, and I'm fairly sure she did not try to smoke the leaves of either crop. (This is the point where you hit reply and make some reference to marijuana in Colorado! Please do, as we love hearing from you.)

We also have a trip planned together to a hub of ancient civilization, where people sent out from the middle kingdom will be gathering for care. Now, I do like riddles, but that's about all I want to put in print and I ask you to do the same. This is scheduled to happen in September and we know it will be stretching for us, as it is for those we will come alongside. Please intercede for us in this.

Thanks for remembering us before the father and partnering with us in these endeavors! It means a lot!

Love in him who keeps us, Steve and Laura

PS Please note that the picture is a sunrise, and has nothing to do with our advanced age or stage of life! Oh, and did I mention that we also have new paint, hardwood, and carpet in our home, after just 7 years here. There are some details to finish this (huge for us) project, but we're glad to have it done.

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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Monday, May 14, 2018

[TEAMspinella] Speaking of Laura...

When your birthday is in the second week of May, you can pretty much count on sharing your special day with finals, graduation parties, end of school events, and of course Mother's Day. So many years Laura would just say, "Let me take a rain check" and of course that didn't really happen. But this year the "kids" cashed in some of those rain checks and planned a weekend for Laura. (Joey and Laura made it down Sunday, which is actually (Joey's wife) Laura's mother Lisa's special day, which sort of re-emphasizes the point about having to share, right? Happy Birthday to Lisa, too!)

It was fun, for sure, including pictures of Laura through the last SIXTY years (weak on the era before digital cameras, and especially weak on the era before we had kids) and a special game which concluded with Laura playing the drums for SIXTY seconds while shouting such phrases as "It was a great day when I was born," "Happy me," "I have great kids too," and of course "great in-laws" for John (Sarah's husband) and Laura (Joey's wife.)

The IWC (International Women's Connection) ladies had a surprise party for Laura on Thursday also, so Laura, who doesn't need too much attention, was about as central as she gets. And isn't she wonderful?! I know, I'm supposed to say that, but I am wise enough now to wonder how she ever came to risk life with a husband like me, and thoroughly grateful to have shared so much of my life with her. Thank you, Laura!

If you have been wanting to say nice things to Laura (whether to make her feel uncomfortable with the attention, or just because) consider this an invitation to go right ahead!

And here's Laura's latest prayer letter (hint: you can get on this exclusive list regularly by emailing Laura!):

Dear friends,
It has been some time since i wrote.  For the past 6 weeks we have enjoyed the visits of many family members and guests, have participated in the Paraclete conference, and have been absorbed with the painting and floor replacement project that we have been undergoing for almost a month. With carpet replacement still ahead we will continue to be in chaos for another month!  

Tomorrow will be the final meeting for the school year of our IWC Main Event.  Our March  event, focusing on resurrection, was well attended, but our April event was smaller.  We particularly noticed the absence of any of our cousins-friends.  Were they offended by the March event, or did they have a conflicting event of their own?  We are still not please pray with us that these ladies will return for our final event.

So here are some requests:
  • that God will draw ladies to attend tomorrow,
  • that good relationships will continue to be built.
  • that God will lead our team of volunteers as we seek to plan summer events that will 
    • provide a context for us to continue to build relationships.
    • provide a context for us to share the truth about Jesus
  • that God will stir the hearts of the women to be interested in receiving this truth!
Would you also please pray:
  • for peace in our house as we endure the continuing chaos (we are both bugged by it!)
  • for energy and help to prepare the house for the new carpet (baseboards, moving stuff)
  • for our member care trip to Oregon for the last week in May ---that we might be an encouragement/help/blessing
With love and thanks!

PS In case you're wondering, "cousins" is a work-around some of us followers of the son of the almighty use for followers of the well-known prophet. It emphasizes relationship rather than distance, and value for each and every person. If that's not enough of a hint, call us and we'll talk!

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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Monday, April 30, 2018

[TEAMspinella] Healthy living amidst stressful choices

Healthy living amidst stressful choices? With that theme in mind let me tell you about the last several months.

In mid February, I made a trip to the land of pyramids, my second. Again I had some great conversations with brothers, sisters, and families working in very interesting circumstances and places. Along the way I also got tasked with giving a couple days training on encouragement, since these are folks who are themselves coming alongside others in many ways, particularly as they engage people in languages and cultures that they did not grow up in. One saying that was repeated often, "It is not a language to be learned, but a life to be lived." In other words, coming alongside means joining in the activities, ways, and interactions that make a community its own special group of people. It is only then that deep heart and soul influence takes place in the most lasting ways, by the father's grace. Of course, we talked a lot about healthy living amidst stressful choices. One particularly touching conversation was with a young worker who had recently lost both her father and her best friend, who then had to make an immediate decision whether to leave all she was doing and go directly back when she received word of her younger brother's totally unexpected death one week after the birth of his first son. In some ways, the choice to go back was easy (at least for a counselor,) but it was also incredibly stressful, not just for a moment, but for a long time ahead!

After just enough time to get over jet lag, I made a shorter trip to join a group of caregivers focused on the children, including youth and adults, of international ministry workers, sometimes known as "mk's" or "tck's." [These terms refer to kids of international ministry workers, or more generally to kids who grow up in a culture found at the intersection of multiple cultures, making itself a "third" culture that is neither the first nor any of the "second" cultures.] Again, a time for some great conversations. The stressful choice for me was that I came down with the local cold virus in between these two trips--imagine! As I drove over the Monument pass on my way to the airport I realized my ears were quite clogged, and I was planning to get on an airplane going much higher. Should I cancel my trip or proceed knowing I would be dealing with serious congestion and maybe even risk to my ear drums? (Actually the cabin is supposed to be pressurized to about the same pressure as our altitude, so it makes sense that the big adjustment came when we landed about 7000' lower. Yes, my ears were terribly clogged. No, I didn't break my ear drums. Yes, I had more great conversations and was glad I went, in spite of the discomfort.)

Meanwhile, Laura's dad Bob was coming down with pneumonia, both Martha and Bob (Laura's parents) got sick, and things generally were quite complicated for them and for us. In addition we've had an almost continual series of guests now, Laura calculates, from my return mid-March until now, and we're glad for all of them. Somehow, in between everything, we've also had most of our interior walls repainted, hardwood installed in the living/dining/kitchen area, and are anticipating carpet for the rest of the house installed later this month, probably while we're on another trip. This week, though, is our Paraclete Mission Group (sponsoring organization for our ministry) staff conference, which happens about every 18 months. We'll be staying onsite across town for that starting tonight.

In all honesty, I don't think our recent schedule stands out particularly from either the way we've lived the last several decades or the stories of the people I come alongside. Some stresses we choose, and some come looking for us. The challenge is to live well in the midst of these circumstances. In fact, researchers have suggested a certain level of stress is life-giving, and on the other hand, even really good things can be very stressful--like a wedding or a baby. Since this past week we've had a family of 5 with children 6 mos, almost 3, and 5 going through jet lag in our house we can tell you that those kids are wonderful...and stressful, especially in jet lag. And even for those alongside, like us!

What led to the original theme, though, was my health. Back in December we finally got in for thorough physicals for the first time in a few years. The MD was quite impressed with Laura's good health--her shoulder pain has been less recently, she exercises a lot, her weight is good, and she's approaching 60 (May 12, hint, hint) without being on any prescribed medications at all. The doctor wanted to change that for me, though, as she was quite concerned by my weight and my blood pressure, not to mention my sleep apnea (relatively speaking, I don't think she lost any sleep over my health concerns.) I have actually lost weight since then, perhaps 15 pounds, which is more than I've ever lost in my life. Thank you, Father! It's a good start, but will mean nothing without continued action. As a counselor I know (at least intellectually) that maintaining weight loss is actually harder than losing weight. And I have since found out that breathing deeply and regularly while taking blood pressure is much more effective than "trying not to be stressed." (This is one of those things apparently everyone but me already knew!) If I am very intentional about the breathing, even though I feel stressed while the blood pressure cuff squeezes my arm, my blood pressure goes down at or close to normal. Who knew?! Medication, on the other hand, makes almost no difference...if I don't breathe. If you're a pastor, mother, or over the age of 12, you might be able to draw some sort of lesson from this. I'm working on it. Laura pointed out that breathing deeply is a good thing almost any time! So I'm working on that too :-)

So healthy living amidst stressful choices has taken a very personal turn amidst all this, and that's rather good. It leads to even better conversations, and hopefully also better living. Please do keep remembering us before the father of all mercy, not just for what we might do or become, but for who we are, just as we are, still in need of redeeming grace every day and in every way.

With love, from both the far side and the near side now, Steve and Laura

PS I've gotten to teach a Sunday School class of adult peers a couple times this spring, most recently yesterday, and earlier, while I was in the midst of that cold I described above. As a result, I actually wrote out my lessons, which I almost never do. They're from Ecclesiastes, the book about which I once wrote my master's thesis and still one of my favorites. So if you're interested, shoot me an email and I'll send the manuscripts.

Note: We live in an age of political sensitivities, where words and comments can cause offense even if they were once accepted without concern, rightly or wrongly. It is because of such sensitivities in the world of international ministry that I avoid certain words in my emails, even though I hope a careful reader will be in no way confused about who I am or what I do. I recognize that this carefulness (about ministry-related words) doesn't matter to most of my readers, but I also know that these emails can travel far and wide, as I do also, so I do my best to put things in ways I hope can travel widely without causing offense anywhere. Thank you for your tolerance of these "work arounds," dear friends and family! And if I have offended, please let me know, because I care very much and would like to both change myself and make amends if it is possible to do so.

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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Friday, January 12, 2018

[TEAMspinella] Unmet expectations

Happy New Year. Since we wrote last, we've enjoyed seeing family at Thanksgiving and Christmas, a week of teaching on language and culture engagement and acquisition for a local training course ("SOSM"), and lots of discussions, prayer, and meetings. One delightful announcement is that our son Joey and his wife Laura are moving to the Golden, Colorado area this weekend, much closer than their last five years in Austin, TX. As 2018 starts, we already have a lot on the calendar and a lot on our minds. But along the way, I've been thinking a lot about unmet expectations

Unmet expectations [UE}, of ourselves, of others, and of God, are the besetting companion of people everywhere, and perhaps especially people in international ministry. I say that because people in international ministry passionately, purposefully, or even perversely go where we normally wouldn't and perhaps where we normally don't belong. Usually we do that with some set of hopes and dreams of making a difference for people.

The natural result is that we live with unmet expectations [UE]. I think most of us can easily think of UE we have of our co-workers, but we don't have to go too far to think of UE for our children and parents, our spouses, and, oh yeah, ourselves.

Since I never wrote at Christmas (UE!), some of you may now have made some new resolutions. Perhaps you remembered some unmet expectations. Some of us may have even codified those unmet expectations, either privately or publicly, in New Year's "resolutions." Perhaps resolutions means something like things I wish I had done already, but haven't, and probably won't without some special effort.

UE leads to disappointment, if we're honest, or else perhaps one of my old buddies--distortion, deletion, and generalization, or even the use of my special powers: minimization and rationalization.

At the holidays I think of my parents, now gone for 24 years, and their unmet expectations when they moved us to South America--they thought they would have an appropriate house to live in, appropriate peers and friends for their children, welcoming and supportive teammates, and so much more. Of course, they sometimes got some of that, but UE was also there, make no mistake about it. This may be especially on my mind because I'm taking my sweetie to Costa Rica later this month--first time I've been back since I was 13, but I still have some fond memories of that adventure. I'm not good at planning vacations, and in fact have seldom done it, in spite of all our travels, and I know for sure we'll have some delights, some surprises, and without question, some UE, even on a vacation. I think I fear the planning because it seems sure to lead to more UE! Of course, a really big UE for me was that my parents would live longer--mine both died at age 59, when I was 37 and our kids were 3 and 5.

My father always wanted us to make resolutions at New Years (more UE!). I finally decided I was better off taking one small step toward something different rather than making a great resolution. I don't miss making New Year's resolutions, but still I live with UE.

Over all, I think unmet expectations of myself may be the second hardest to face. The hardest may be my unmet expectations of God. What unmet expectations have you found the hardest?

Here's to a peace beyond human understanding as we face the unmet expectations of 2018! And to an audacious hope that goes beyond our wildest dreams.

With love, Steve and Laura

PS You may be asking, "Why does Steve write about unmet expectations?" Lots of email updates from people in ministry have impact stories. In order to be a safer person for people in ministry to share their stories, however personal, we decided long ago to share two things: 1) our own stories and 2) issues and challenges that will help anyone to better understand those we serve--people in international ministry, as well as relate to the issues and challenges we all face. I do always try to have at least a few lines about our family and our activities. This time I put that at the top, knowing many of you don't have a lot of time to read my long emails. We also post these emails to a blog, so if you want to browse or search for an old one, they're at Oh, and if you think you recognize an unnamed someone in my stories, you're probably wrong, but if you identify with anything I've written, welcome to the party!
Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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