Merry Christmas! This year I decided to use the four gospels for the four weeks of advent—leading to some surprising discoveries as we looked at how each of the gospel bringers chose to introduce the advent of the coming king, in ways that differ as much as the personalities of me and any three of my friends!
This Christmas for us can also be marked in many ways. Since last January our adult children have all been living in Colorado, and then, early in the tenth month, we welcomed our first grandchild, Evangeline Joy Forcey (daughter of Sarah and John.) As had been foretold to us, it's really cool and she's really special.
My ministry happens both here and afar, but the trips are more exciting to talk about. This year trips included two to North Africa—one with Laura, one trip to Taiwan, and various jaunts within the US for me, including one to Ohio while Laura went to France for a family wedding! We also went to Costa Rica—just because, and, as Laura got tired of hearing me say to many patient Ticos, I was last there when I lived there for a year at age 13.
While I enjoy great converstations everywhere, and especially with those in international ministry, going back to Taiwan was particularly awesome. Having lived there 15 years, but now gone for 8, I was surprised by the chances to remember, to reconnect, and to re-engage in ministry in a place so significant in our lives. A particular treat was connecting with the staff of the Counseling Center that I once led, but that now goes on in some wonderful ways without me. None of the counselors there now were there when I left! They even let me tell some old stories.
Many of you know that we also come alongside Laura's parents. It's been a challenging year for them, but they are both still alive and living in their home. Next year looks even more challenging from a human perspective, but we are happy to have come this far and trusting God knows the way yet ahead.
Did I mention Laura turned 60 this year? The international women celebrated with her as did our family also, but she still looks young and energetic to all of us. One of her daily habits is to use Remember Me (, a Bible memory app for tablet and phone. She amazes me. She also has seen Evangeline every day since she was born except for two. The smile she gets when she holds her is truly awesome.
So I'd better go hang out with family while I still can, and may God give you his peace this winter season, whether it is a time of plenty or a time of want, or, as is often true, a time for both.
In the name of the one who did not consider equality with God something to be gripped with white knuckles, but rather became human in appearance and entered our world according to God's plan, even so far as to die on a cross, and upon so doing was exalted to the place of honor over all!
[And that's one more way of telling the Christmas story, from the letter to the Christ followers in Philippi!]
In him who keeps us, Steve and Laura
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