Laura and I have done some ministry over these last months, but my primary focus has certainly been on recovery from surgery for prostate cancer. We've also taken some vacation and participated in the biennial Paraclete Mission Group gathering.
The long taper
When we switched ministry orgs back in 2015, part of our goal was to enable a "long taper." We would keep doing ministry, but with less intensity over time rather than a sharp cutoff date. It turns out that's not the only long taper in our lives.
Other tapers
Of course, we now have three grandchildren, but while they are adding to their histories and capabilities all the time, we are still aging. Even Laura is now within a year of medicare, and so it goes! COVID did not come and go as hoped, and let's not even talk about wars or politics.
Fully depreciated--or "at the end of its useful life?"
People in ministry generally aren't well compensated, but we hope to be appreciated. Depreciation is different. When we bought an old high mileage RV last year (1999), I figured that it was already fully depreciated, meaning it's already lost most of its value. But as I've tried to take care of it, I've been reminded that one definition of full depreciation is to be "at the end of its useful life." Is that what retirement means?! I'm discovering that as I do less I'm also more marginalized in my communities and worlds. Like the old RV, it appears that extending my useful life requires increased attention on many fronts, but even after getting that attention I'm still aging.
More surprises
Old RVs and fully depreciated ministry workers can still have a lot of adventures. Perhaps they will be even more fun because they're like an unexpected bonus. Here's to more surprises, knowing they won't all be easy or fun, but every new adventure means life is still in process.
Eternity is getting closer, but not shorter
Perhaps no matter how long I live, life after death will be just as long. If redemption is a gift from a loving God, and I do believe that, perhaps there is no hurry to get there. We can take all the time we need to finish here before we leave!
In the God who keeps us, with love and surprises, Steve and Laura
PS I am biking, hiking, and definitely walking, but also still healing. Deep breathing is always good, and Ecclesiastes 9:9 is still great advice.
Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
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