Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Consultation trends 060516

People are moving to cities. Somewhere around now, more than half of all people live in cities and this trend will not be reversed so far as we can imagine.
Ministry strategies are historically more effective in rural contexts.
Overwhelmed cities are hungry for caregiving for people of need.
Current developing adults place emphasis on environment as central to redemption.
Questions of calling have increased prominence in today's dialogues, internal and external.
It is through providing human care in partnership with others that the ministry community best engages the cities.
Beijing, for example, wants help in caring for migrants, developing character and morality in students (suicide, pornography, prostitution, etc.), strengthening and restoring family wellbeing: "the family is the sweet spot of change in the city"
The good book begins in the garden and ends in the city; the hero was born in a village and brought his enterprise to a climax in the city.
Dr. Steve and Laura Spinella, Sarah, Joey, Robby
Da Yi Street, Lane 29, #18, 2F-1, Taichung 40454, TAIWAN
011.886.4.2236.6145, of 4.2236.1901, fx 4.2236.2109, cell 9.2894.0514
USA: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, 719.528.1702, cell 719.640.1261
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60189, 800.343.3144
<www.team.org.tw/spinella>, <www.team.org.tw/ccg> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TEAMspinella/>
<spinella@alumni.rice.edu>, <lauraspinella@alumni.rice.edu>

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