Friday, December 14, 2007

Something different--a visual test of cultural dichotomy

Here is a visual test you can take to figure out, once and for all, whether you are more German or more Chinese--just go through these images and vote for which one you think is correct. At the end, you will know...nothing (but hopefully, you may have some "ah-ha" moments along the way.) These icons are spread about the internet in various places with the same short sentence of attribution you see on this site and the same, slightly pixelated, graphics. This is a slightly more inclusive version than some, which delete up to 6 of these pairs.

Here is the link...  You might note that online these are commonly attributed to Young Liu, but she spells her name Yang Liu.

For those of us between cultures, these choices don't necessarily seem all that simple! I was able to find the source of these images after some creative detective work online. You can order the book (in German) from You can visit the author's website at

Merry Christmas from the far side!

Dr. Steve and Laura Spinella, Sarah, Joey, Robby
Da Yi Street, Lane 29, #18, 2F-1, Taichung 40454, TAIWAN
011.886.4.2236.6145, of 4.2236.1901, fx 4.2236.2109, cell 9.2894.0514
USA: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, 719.528.1702, cell 719.360.6485
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60189, 800.343.3144
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