I've talked openly about the restoration journey that began for me
when I was confronted about arrogance and unteachability by coworkers
and leaders in my international ministry organization.
Over the course of a year I followed a plan that involved a number of
self-development strategies. I read the Bible twice, read a list of
Christian self-development books, did personal reflection, and met
with a lot of people. These included family, friends, counselors,
coworkers, supervisors, advisers, and accountability partners. It also
included people that I might have offended or who might know of
offenses. When people came to my attention where I had reason to
believe an offense on my part might remain unaddressed, I sought to
contact them where I felt it was possible to do so without causing
further harm. To supplement this process, I used an online feedback
survey to gather additional feedback from people who could remain
anonymous and also invited responses from people throughout my circles
of connectedness. Where it was possible to do so, I followed up on
those responses. In addition to the initial confrontation, there were
two sets of meetings to assess my progress in this journey. The first
was a midpoint evaluation in December 2009. The second was an end of
year evaluation in April 2010.
Let me quote from the final report I received:
"Everyone unanimously expressed appreciation for Steve's willingness
to engage in the restoration process. There was a strong consensus
that his humble approach to the process allowed healing to occur among
the team as a whole.
"Some members of the team expressed that although the Restoration Plan
had Steve Spinella's name on it, the Restoration Plan was actually a
needed process for the whole team. Specifically, great gains were
made in the area of team communication.
"Without exception, each person interviewed indicated that there has
been noticeable change in Steve's attitude and demeanor since he
returned to Taiwan in September 2009. Field leadership expressed that
Steve has been more approachable, initiated relationship more
frequently, and has been collaborative during TEAM meetings. Other
people indicated that Steve seems less arrogant, more humble, and more
willing to own his mistakes and hear the opinions of others.
"The members of the restoration team unanimously agreed that the goals
of the Restoration Plan have been met in a way that exceeded their
expectations. It was agreed that the Plan can officially be
considered "completed"...."
From my perspective, this was a very encouraging outcome, and one that
only happened because of incredible grace and mercy on the part of the
Father and every one of the people involved in the process. And, yes,
it was an important finish line to reach that required humility,
patience, endurance, and faith as well as mercy and grace. I am very
thankful to receive this report.
At the same time, I have a keener awareness now than previously of
hurts I have caused to others, arrogance and unteachability that has
surfaced in different ways, and self-deception that blinded me or
distracted me from facing my own shortcomings and failures. And I know
that I will continue to offend, to deceive myself as well as others,
and to demonstrate arrogance and unteachability, no matter how far my
restoration journey continues. And these journeys never end, at least
in this life.
What is next? As empty nesters, Laura and I have a new freedom to
consider contexts for ministry that are not anchored by our children's
schooling. As the Center for Counseling and Growth in Taiwan has
matured, we also feel a freedom to consider other ministry contexts in
a way that we previously did not. And while my restoration journey in
Taiwan may open up new possibilities for ministry there, it also is a
very clear reminder that I am not the perfect resource to meet needs
in the communities we serve there, and in fact have never been so.
Whatever good the Father has done through me, Laura, the two of us
together, or our family or ministry teams, has been done by his grace,
and there are many others of his children that he can use to do the
things that are on his heart.
So this summer, having "crossed the finish line" of the restoration
plan, we are actively asking the question: What are the contexts,
ministry structures, and creative partnerships that the Father will
next use to organize our ministry efforts? Ideally, we will 1) surface
possibilities, develop alternatives, and explore scenarios, then 2)
refine options, flesh out strategies, and return to Taiwan September 1
with one or more specific proposals to discuss with the Center for
Counseling and Growth and TEAM Taiwan. Practically, we'll work on
those tasks while continuing to process our restoration journey and
working together with our emerging adult children and Laura's parents
as part of a family team facing family challenges. Plus, hopefully
we'll accept whatever complications, unexpected twists and turns, and
even confrontations, challenges, and rejections!
We ask your help in this. We invite your input, your referrals and
recommendations, and your intercession. We invite your support and
encouragement. We invite your company and conversations as fellow
pilgrims on journeys that at times allow us to walk together, but at
other times require us to walk apart.
With love from the far side, Steve and Laura
PS Unexpectedly, not only will we be based in Colorado Springs this
summer, but all three of our emerging adult children are here with us.
Each of them are working out the elements of a successful summer based
in Colorado. Sarah has her summer the most lined up, with a third year
on staff at MTI.org in the CHIPS programs. Joey is Mr. Projects as he
has various networks and events to pursue, but no formal engineering
internship. Robby is actively looking for work in a challenging
market, having unexpectedly cancelled his ministry trip to East Asia
in order to work on other challenges. This was a hard decision, and he
has communicated more details to those who were committed with him to
this ministry trip. Laura and I are very glad we are here with them,
we are all enjoying the chance to spend a few months in the same
place, and we are all committed to encouraging and supporting each
other in a summer of transition and growth. Shout out to Laura's mom,
Martha! Happy birthday!
Dr. Steve and Laura Spinella, Sarah, Joey, Robby
Da Yi Street, Lane 29, #18, 2F-1, Taichung 404, TAIWAN
011 886 4 2236-6145, wk 2236-1901, fx 2236-2109, cell 9 2894-0514
USA: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, 719.528.1702, cell 719.355.4809
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
<www.team.org.tw/spinella>, <www.team.org.tw/ccg>
<spinella@alumni.rice.edu> <lauraspinella@alumni.rice.edu>
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