When I was a kid, I think that referred to iniquity. I'm re-purposing that here. The transition model is in some ways a bit like a resurrection model--you disengage, say your goodbyes as best you can, enter the chaos, and hope to emerge on the other side in a new role in a new place. (I think Star Trek had some other terms for this!)
We sought to do the leaving well in Taiwan, and now we have left. Somehow I think I underestimated the symmetry of that transition model! (Wonder what I'm talking about? I've put an extended quote from Ron and Bonnie Koteskey's reentry manual at the end of this email.) To make a long story short, we are in the re-entry or re-acculturation process, and we don't know when we'll come out! We are committed to listening, learning, waiting, and wondering as we continue our transition journey.
There have been a few surprises. Laura has been the aggressive cultural entry person--she's been making multiple connections every week. I on the other hand have withdrawn more. I spend most of my time alone researching, thinking, and occasionally writing. I have not contacted very many friends and do not know what community here I will really join.
We are living with Laura's parents, and,as her dad Bob says, "we'll see how it works out." We don't really know whether this is a longer term solution or a short term bridge until we either move back into our old house or find a third option. I have started my new role as a "global care consultant" with TEAM and we have some travel ahead in February and March.
In February, we'll be taking a big car trip, touching Wisconsin on Super Bowl weekend and heading to Houston for a sending church conference after a few days at TEAM's international HQ in Illinois. In March we are heading back to Asia for a consultation on Counseling in the Chinese World. Unfortunately, CCW is in Thailand this year, not Taiwan.
Life is good--and even sometimes a little exciting, but there is still a lot of transitioning going on around here. And somehow we're just not ready to talk too much about life in Colorado just yet!
Thanks for listening, Steve and Laura
(not so very far away from some of you and a good bit further away from others!)
"The "in between" stage begins when the missionaries leave for the airport and ends when they unpack their minds, not their suitcases. During this time they are without status, structure, and perhaps even keys. In this time of chaos they may feel overwhelmed and isolated, as well as exaggerating their problems. Their self-esteem may drop and they may become anxious over the future and grieving over their losses in the recent past.
"The "entering" stage begins when the missionaries have unpacked their minds and continues until the missionaries have re-engaged with their passport culture. During this time they realize that they are marginal persons and are in rather superficial, tentative relationships. Reentering missionaries may misinterpret verbal and nonverbal behaviors and make errors in responding. They may feel vulnerable, fearful, and may be easily offended. They may find it difficult to trust people and even experience depression. Some experience a "honeymoon" period immediately after they reenter when everything is seen through rose-colored glasses. Then this may be followed by a period of disillusionment when everything is viewed through rust-colored glasses so that they notice materialism and superficiality in their home culture....This entering stage may take only a few months, or a year (a full annual cycle), or never be completed. [Koteskey]"
Steve and Laura Spinella
9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
719.528.1702, cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
<spinella@alumni.rice.edu> <lauraspinella@alumni.rice.edu>
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
<spinella@alumni.rice.edu> <lauraspinella@alumni.rice.edu>
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