Friday, December 23, 2011

[TEAMspinella] Global care: a sincere invitation

Short story: We are committed to a ministry of global care, (and we would like to invite you to partner financially with us in this ministry.)


Seeing Joey and his fiance, Laura G, planning their wedding* sends us hurtling back into the past. (Among other things, I remember being blissfully unaware we were having that effect on "the older generation" at the time!) *The date has been set for July 28, 2012 in Boulder.


The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places. Part of that is our work. We love global ministry and we love to care for people so much! People don't always see our hearts this way, but many do, and we like it when people see that in us, too.


It's not just a McJob to us. Over the years I've certainly struggled with wanting to be somebody else or have some other role. But global care is something we love so much we'll even raise money to do it …and, not or, …live with less.


When I think about my own journey, it is landmarked by conversations of the heart. Sure I've studied and even taught, and Laura puts me to shame with her disciplined habits of daily committed reading and reflection, but most of all it is intimate conversations that have marked our journeys.


I remember…times of loneliness when someone sought me out every week to meet with me, not just in the word, but in the gym or in the mountains, times of growth when someone coached me not just about my performance but my person, times of grief when someone met me where I was even though it was not fun, and times of sharing intimately, sometimes unexpectedly, with so many people, but especially those with whom this became a habit!


Isaiah said, "Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink--even if you have no money. Come, take your choice of wine or milk--It's all free!" That's how we have been loved and that is also how we want to love others.


What are the intimate conversations you remember in your own journey? We hope you will find much to celebrate as you remember where you have been and look forward to what is yet to come!


With love in the one who keeps us, Steve and Laura


PS We invite you to give to our ministry by sending a check to with a note saying it's for "the Spinella's work" or you can go to for other ways to give, including online. And for you who are and have been our financial partners in this ministry, thanks again for choosing us as your partners!

Steve and Laura Spinella
street: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
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