Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hello Houston can you read me?

We're in Houston, seeing the "emerging adults" and mostly enjoying Bridgepoint Bible's annual ministry partners conference.
Some things to remember, then I'll tell a story or two...
First, Joey seems to be in an asthma crisis. It's probably been brought on over time because of mold in the ventilation system, complicated by the hit of an early allergy season in Houston, and of course a virus.
Second, Robby has followed up with his own take on the virus, and is running a fever in the midst of the busy midterm season.
Third, Sarah's car has developed severe complications of the suspension, air conditioning, and drive system. We need to either keep it running through the semester, replace it, or figure out a new strategy to keep her safe and getting to and from class since she's off-campus this year. Every option has complications :-)
Well, ain't it crazy that we show up down here and all of a sudden our semi-independent kids have a set of complications?! All the same, we're glad to see them and glad to see Bridgepoint. The conference theme is telling fishing stories, so we've been telling and hearing a lot of stories.
Yesterday the men on staff got together with the ministry partners in town for the conference and when the stories started flowing, the first three involved cancers guys were facing. Needless to say, we hit a slight lull before anyone else spoke up. Still, it was a reminder to me of the gratefulness I enjoy in reaching our fifties after a fairly stressful lifestyle as well as 28+ years of marriage, and finding we're still more on the richer than poorer, health than sickness, and, yes, both of us alive! That's definitely something to celebrate, no matter what the stock market, the grades, or the ministry plans.
Our hearts are also full as we deal with all the complications of health, finances, and relationships that swirl around us, in our family, our friends, and our ministry teams.
We were telling stories to junior high kids Sunday morning, and Robby was there, so we got him up on the platform with us telling stories and adding comments. What fun. (Unfortunately Joey stayed home sick, and Sarah was at her own fellowship.) We tried to pick stories about them they wouldn't mind too much. (I think the episode with the stretchy animal costumes in the Chinese church Christmas pageant is far enough removed it isn't too traumatic. Ask Robby if you want to hear more--when he gets over the flu.) One of my personal favorites from their junior high years is still the episode when we were explaining the latest visit to ministry partners, and Joey exclaimed, "Dad, this visit is all for you and nothing for us." (He was close to right, but they still ended up having a good time, thanks to the graciousness of Lydia and Nathaniel, who probably also told their parents, "...all for you and nothing for us.")
But isn't that like we often complain to our heavenly father when we get a glimpse of what is ahead. Sure, he make work all things together for his glory and his long range purposes, but what about us? Some times I just worry his plans are "all for him and nothing for us." But often he does have some pleasant surprises in there for us, too! And of course, as parents, that's what we want for our kids as well, even if "no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful."
So, go parents and go heavenly father, and let's hang on for the ride and look for the pleasant surprises, too. After all, the same book with the line about discipline also says, "eat, drink, and be merry." We've definitely been doing some of that, too.
With love from the far side (of Houston, where the population* of central Taiwan is sprawled across some 9000 square kilometers or 3500 square miles of basically flat land!) Houston and central Taiwan are both about 5 million people, I think.
Steve and Laura

Dr. Steve and Laura Spinella, Sarah, Joey, Robby
Da Yi Street, Lane 29, #18, 2F-1, Taichung 40454, TAIWAN
011.886.4.2236.6145, of 4.2236.1901, fx 4.2236.2109, cell 9.2894.0514
USA: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, 719.528.1702, cell 713.408.7208 (new cell #, note Houston area code)
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800.343.3144
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