Thursday, May 20, 2021

[TEAMspinella] Is COVID over?

Today I led a men's group without a mask. Of course, I have never seen some of my friends wearing a mask, but now masks are not required.

Laura and I are also vaccinated for COVID. Ironically I signed us both up on the same site, minutes apart, but we were assigned to different locations, receiving different vaccines.

The day I was officially in the safe zone,, we left on a trip in an old RV we purchased in January. People tend to ask if I enjoyed it, and I say, "Yes." I did however feel a bit odd the whole time, as it fits right in there with golf and skiing as things I always imagined I would never do. If you're wondering, yes, it is loud, and yes, it drives like a truck :-). If you can see the picture, those are our bikes on the back, a definite positive for us.

But COVID isn't over. Recently Taiwan, after all these months, has a community outbreak. Given the population density there, both government and community are quite concerned. All schools there just shut down for at least 2 weeks. Yet the last daily case count was about the same as for El Paso County here in Colorado. Elsewhere many people are dying around the world. Much of the world lacks either the infrastructure or the will to even report the numbers. International christian workers have been and are being deeply impacted along with those they serve. Many have had to leave to avoid burdening local infrastructures that are overwhelmed, to comply with government mandates, or for other compelling reasons. When we serve others outside our passport countries, we are guests, regardless of our residence status.

COVID also isn't over for us. Tensions remain about what is known or knowable, and certainly much remains uncertain or even unknown, not to mention that things continue to change.

Laura's engagement with the International Women's Connection here in Colorado Springs has been deeply altered. Many questions remain about how to proceed. I have given up my prior avoidance of deep conversations pursued virtually, seemingly at God's irresistible direction. 

Opportunities to be alongside keep coming to us, albeit less predictably, right up to today. I am reminded of the New Testament writer who said, "Oh, that today you would listen as he speaks! Do not harden your hearts...." This is in the letter to the Hebrews/Israelis. The emphasis on today is quoted from a Psalm. And the Psalm looked back to the time when the Israelis left the Pharaoh's Egypt and were at their wits end in the desert. Apparently today is only the latest of a whole lot of todays, and the challenges, distractions, and temptations of today are just the latest in a long line of stressful situations people have faced, and I'm afraid will face. 

One thing we are looking forward to, can you believe it, is our third grandchild. Don't worry, we will certainly mention it if and when this hope becomes a reality. The due date is early June.

We are savoring the presence of international ministry workers in the house with us this month. Of course, pray for more good conversations! We are enjoying them.

In the one who keeps us, Steve and Laura

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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