Thursday, July 26, 2018

[TEAMspinella] Sunrise in Ohio

Whoa! It's been almost three months since our last email update.

We've had various visitors and ministry opportunities here in Colorado, but also two ministry trips. Laura went with me to Oregon to come alongside a couple adjusting to some unexpected health challenges on top of everything else. Then just now I made a trip to Ohio for an MK Transition Seminar coordinated by at Cedarville University. Two weeks with 39 emerging adults transitioning from... high school to college, international life to US life, and family life to greater independence,... did not just keep me young, but reminded me how old I am. This was especially true when I tried to play sand volleyball.

On my last full day there, Laura and I marked our 38th anniversary...but she was in France! Our nephew got married and our son Joey was able to make the trip with Laura in between jobs. It was a sweet time, from all I hear and the pictures I've seen. Apparently Joey and Laura also got to watch France win the world cup in an outdoor school plaza with hundreds of wild fans. I watched it on recorded delay with dozens of crazy mk's! Oh, I did see a great sunrise in Ohio, too (attached.) They tell me the corn is unusually tall this year. I can only say that it was much taller than this time last year! Did you ever hear the saying "knee high by the fourth of July"? Apparently this is a saying, referring to the normal height of corn. This year it was well over my head.

One anecdote I heard was that an MK (unfortunately, don't do this!) was told that the crops to the north of campus were tobacco and the crops to the south were marijuana. She thought this was sad for a Christian college, only to realize after a couple years of further adjusting that it was actually corn and soybeans. Of course, the real challenges of transition are more important questions, and I'm fairly sure she did not try to smoke the leaves of either crop. (This is the point where you hit reply and make some reference to marijuana in Colorado! Please do, as we love hearing from you.)

We also have a trip planned together to a hub of ancient civilization, where people sent out from the middle kingdom will be gathering for care. Now, I do like riddles, but that's about all I want to put in print and I ask you to do the same. This is scheduled to happen in September and we know it will be stretching for us, as it is for those we will come alongside. Please intercede for us in this.

Thanks for remembering us before the father and partnering with us in these endeavors! It means a lot!

Love in him who keeps us, Steve and Laura

PS Please note that the picture is a sunrise, and has nothing to do with our advanced age or stage of life! Oh, and did I mention that we also have new paint, hardwood, and carpet in our home, after just 7 years here. There are some details to finish this (huge for us) project, but we're glad to have it done.

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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