Monday, August 24, 2015

[TEAMspinella] Boomer love in a millennial world

Over the years (note this phrase!), I have tried to write to you not just about ministry, but about life in international ministry, a topic some of you know very well and others appreciate from a slightly greater distance.

It occurred to me this morning that I'm 59 now, but I've never written about the late career stages for people in international ministry. I think I am there already!

When we went to Taiwan I was on the cusp of 40, but I still thought of myself as on the young end. Certainly when I entered that new world, I felt like a newbie, and I definitely made mistakes, some of which I would like to attribute to being…on the young end! Also we had three young children, two in kindergarten and a second grader. I don't need to remind you we now have three young adults, two married and one who just had some 20 other adults over last night so we could "meet his friends." A fine and capable group they are.

In general, people in international ministry get there by prioritizing that over a lot of other things. Hopefully God works that together for good. It can lead to some interesting negotiations through developmental challenges of adult life. For instance, our children never really grew up in the US! They didn't leave home for school before college, but I myself did and many others do also. When we did send them to college, we were on the other side of the world. Not unheard of, but perhaps more complicated than sending them from Houston to College Station. (I can say that now, I have an Aggie mug and two Aggies visiting this week. Shout out to John and Sarah Forcey, here visiting, married a year now, and perhaps within a year or two of those PhD's.)

As midlife develops, the decisions can get tricky. For instance, some have developmentally delayed children who will continue to need care. Some are still single with no clear place to call home or community in which to age. A few have health challenges or partners with health challenges like strokes, diabetes, cancer, and certainly obesity and arthritis. Many have aging relatives, who may need special care. Kids and grandkids are often scattered, typically diverse, and sometimes also alienated.

Many have developed specialized language and ministry skills for ministry niches that are now inaccessible or unadvisable. Some smoothly transition to new roles, others not so smoothly…. Some either burn out, losing their energy and passion to take on new challenges, or rust out, if you will, losing their relevance to new challenges and ways of doing ministry. Many exit fulfilling ministry roles to a set of options they find, well, less fulfilling, like working at Costco, delivering medications, or processing financial transactions.

Many have sacrificed some financial security and have more limited options. Most have lived without many things their peers have enjoyed. Raising funds for ministry often doesn't get easier or even more fun!

The bottom line for me is that people in international ministry, like all of us, need love, encouragement, and good allies throughout their whole lifecycle. I believe God can give all of us meaningful lives no matter our circumstances, but circumstances do matter. As you engage with people like us, please take time to listen, hold your assumptions loosely, and welcome us into your worlds while entering ours as well. And always pray!

Yours from not so far away, Steve and Laura

Steve and Laura Spinella
​Paraclete Mission Group:
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

[TEAMspinella] parakeet, pair of cleats, Paraclete Mission Group

July was incredibly busy with travel and meetings for TEAM and extended family here in Colorado. In addition, it appears we have waited out the subterranean flood of 2015. By that we mean that Laura's parents crawl space and septic field have been flooded since May 12. Water has come up through the sand, flowing down the normally semi-arid hills, perhaps from the black forest burn scar, but certainly beyond our best interventions. The level is slowly dropping, but it has been an additional challenge for us and for Laura's parents. A few people have pointed out that our street is after all "Springcrest," but theirs is Otero, which means "hill"! Who knew the hill would drain through their backyard and crawl space?! I also have been back on my bike, riding more this month than in many. This is not enough to reverse the gradual weight accumulation of many years, but it has had a "trickle down" effect at least. 

But back to the title line--as of August 1, our sponsoring organization is the Paraclete Mission Group. Paraclete has a wonderful meaning. Unfortunately it is in Greek (παράκλητος). Further, the website is neither .com nor .org, but rather The root meaning of paraclete is one who is called alongside in order to help. It is used most famously of the Holy Spirit in John 17. We don't think we are the Holy Spirit, but we do want to come alongside people in Jesus' name, in dependence on the Spirit.

The Paraclete Mission Group is a reasonably small group of servants committed to coming alongside people in international ministry. We are happy that our ministry is now sponsored by this US nonprofit going forward. We are also happy that we can continue to serve TEAM and its people (as well as others) from this new platform.

Here are the details:
Organizational name and contact info: Paraclete Mission Group, PO Box 63450, Colorado Springs, CO 80962, 1-719-302-2500,
Tax ID number for non-profit: 36-3559944 (The link goes to the 2014 990 information return for the organization.)
Address for mailing donations: Paraclete Mission Group, PO Box 912576, Denver, CO 80291-2576 (add a note indicating it is "preferenced for the Spinella ministry 7675D")
Website link for donations: Spinella ministry donations link

Are you still reading? Paraclete Mission Group began at the US Center for World Mission, now called Frontier Ventures, as many new organizations started up to reach unreached people groups. Some of those organizations are now quite large. I actually first encountered Paraclete in 1993. It has gone through substantial changes over the years, but eventually has become a hub for veteran contributors with specialized skills and passions of value to international ministries. As partnership and networks become common models for global impact, Paraclete associates now also include some location specific partnerships, including work with the Center for Counseling and Growth in Taiwan, where I used to work.

Here's to a happy August, including my upcoming 59th! Steve and Laura

PS Laura said I had to put this part in the PS because it is silly and annoying! In sharing our move, I have discovered Paraclete sounds like parakeet (the word, not parakeets chirping singing etc). It is also harder to spell than a pair of cleats (shoes with protruding bumps or ridges on the bottom). Yes, I think she's right...and all my kids will groan. Anyway now you know why the subject line--a cheap way to help you remember Paraclete.

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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