Friday, December 30, 2022

[TEAMspinella] Savoring Christmas

A few weeks ago my son Joey mentioned this would be the first Christmas he didn't see us. Given our history of global gallivanting, I think that's pretty good! And we are all expecting to be together the first week in January—in Wichita, Kansas, where I also hope to see all three of my sisters. We will gather for a niece's wedding and some family time. January in Wichita—sounds like a postcard, right? I probably won't take a lot of pictures of the scenery.

Laura's sister Barb along with husband Matt and newly wed daughter Allison and Alex dropped in on Laura's mom Martha, just in time for 10F (17C), and now that they've left, Laura's sister Nancy and husband Al have arrived. Meanwhile our daughter Sarah and John (Forcey) shifted into our house with Evangeline (4) and Isaiah (1.5,) so even without Joey & Laura's son Cedar (1.8) we've had plenty of chaos, but lots of time to enjoy family.

When I was growing up, Christmas was one of the few reliably family-centered times of the year. Sometimes that was just us, but quite a few times it included extended family, and sometimes it included people mutually embraced as family because of circumstances. While remembering Jesus's birth was always a feature of the holiday, particularly in our time as a family, for me the setting aside of work and ministry was what stood out. So for me, it is not a worship service or an amazing adventure, but rather the time with people I love that makes Christmas most special.

By the same token, this has meant there were Christmases for me when grief was a big feature as well. And while no two griefs are alike, I know others also carry big griefs which surface at Christmas. My prayers are with you again this year.

For Laura, savoring Christmas also means enjoying family, but as the more introverted of us, she also longs for time for contemplation—something that has been in short supply in 2022, as she deploys in many directions, sensitive as she is to the needs of so many in her circles.

In both the inner and the outer world, savoring Christmas requires setting aside other things for the sake of peace amid chaos.

A year ago I knew I had stage 2 prostate cancer, but I had received no treatment. Surgery, recovery, and medical uncertainty were big features of this past year for me. This Christmas I know that my sister Linda, only slightly younger, has brain cancer, with what appears to me even more medical concern and uncertainty. (

There were certainly many loose strands at the birth of Jesus as well. Angels inserted themselves to reframe what might have been a very grim narrative. Did Mary and Joseph find peace in Bethlehem? Did they find peace when the eastern kings visited? When they took Jesus to the temple that first time where Anna and Simeon greeted them? Or when they fled to Egypt? Or years later returned to Nazareth? Even now there is salvation history still swirling and unresolved.

My physical therapist always stressed deep breathing as the most important exercise I could do after the abdominal surgery. I just reminded myself to do it again. I am savoring Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you as well, and our sincere wishes and prayers for the journey yet to come. 2023 is knocking at the door!

In him who keeps us, Steve and Laura

PS Just are some of my favorite photos this year Steve's favorites 2022

Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
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