Friday, September 17, 2010

[TEAMspinella] Making the most

Laura says we should make the most of every opportunity. By that she means that you can ask that we might find ways to be good ambassadors to those around us in the days we have left here in Taiwan. This is very good advice, as we are seeking to "leave well," but we also have had to say more than once or twice already, "well, we're leaving." We have a lot of people here to love and to miss in the days ahead.

But in this case, there is another meaning to "making the most." You see, I accidentally sent out a test message that got published on our email update list. Some of you have already I thought I'd better go ahead and write an update.

When I said, "What happens when people send email to the group?" Sharon said, "I don't know..." Chuck said, "This." Barry said, "...I'd be interested to know..." Jim, who was obviously up in the middle of the night, said, "Everyone in the group gets the email." And that's exactly what happened!

You see, we've had a little problem. When many of you hit reply, we didn't get what you sent. Well, the good news is, as evidenced by the last paragraph, now we do! The bad news is, most of you got an unlabeled enigmatic message I didn't intend to send you. If more of you respond to that than respond to my usual meandering updates, maybe I should start limiting all these updates to 140 characters.

On my "to do" list this week are also 1) research and compare the shipping options for taking things back to the US. As Laura said, "I feel cheated that I brought all this stuff to Taiwan and nobody told me it was going to cost so much to take it back." I'll post the shipping report on my blog and facebook in case you want to look and comment. 2) Write a job description for a new counselor for CCG. Wouldn't it be great if the father replaced me with someone even better? There is definitely a felt need in the community here and also among our board and staff. The catch: Not only do we need a skilled, experienced Christian counselor, but we need someone who will raise funds to do this. I promise you this, there are definitely some opportunities here of which to make the most!

By the way, if you read this email, but you didn't get one with a blank header before, you're not in our "google group" TEAMspinella. That's the best place to sign up so that you keep getting these updates. If you want me to do that for you, let me know. Also if you want off our list, but can't figure out why you still get our updates, let me know that, too, and I'll do the research to get that done--hopefully, correctly!

I'm going to send this right away, hopefully before most of you on the far side wake up. Thanks for remembering us. And yes, we really are moving back to the US this year after spending 14 years in Taiwan. I'll be taking a new role with our organization as a "global member care consultant." And yes, we'll still need to raise funds to do that, too.

With love in him who keeps us, yours from the far side, Steve and Laura

PS Now if it's working correctly, when we send email to the group you should get it. When you send email to the group, we should get it.

Dr. Steve and Laura Spinella, Sarah, Joey, Robby
Da Yi Street, Lane 29, #18, 2F-1, Taichung 404, TAIWAN
011 886 4 2236-6145, wk 2236-1901, fx 2236-2109, cell 9 2894-0514
USA: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, 719.528.1702, cell 719.355.4809
TEAM, PO Box 969, Wheaton, IL 60187, 800 343-3144
<>, <> <> <>

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