If you tracked my last email, you may not be surprised I'm writing you from Taiwan.
First, it's good Laura stayed back, even though she's missing some of our favorite bike rides. I carefully record them on Strava so she can be envious. However, tomorrow will be my last ride this trip, as the MD doing my surgery Monday says I need to abstain from vigorous activity, including biking, for two weeks. Both her parents and our kids (especially Sarah with the new baby) have appreciated her being alongside them while I am gone. They are doing okay at the moment, but it has not all been smooth!
Second, yes, I am having the nose surgery in Taiwan. I was able to see the surgeon the first day I arrived and schedule for this coming Monday. I enter China Medical University Hospital, near our old apartment, Sunday some time (they call when they have a bed, so pray that they do!) I will either stay two nights or more if it appears needed.
A dear friend here looked at the orange (mandarin, juzi) I brought him and said, "For the doctor, this surgery is as easy as peeling that orange. He'll be thinking about his fishing trip, or cracking jokes with the nurses and medical students, while he does it in no time. (Yes, that's you, Richard.) Since Richard is an MD himself, running a small hospital, I couldn't disagree, but I did remind him that as the patient I consider minor surgery what happens to someone else, not what happens to me. However, if you're worrying, I'm assured it's not likely cancer, and it is easy to do with an endoscope (surgeon in a tube) since it can be accessed from the outside. In the US it would be an outpatient procedure, though still done in a hospital because I will be intubated for breathing and sedated for stillness. Here it is normally a three day stay. All the same, I am informed that it will be significantly cheaper. So far that has been true, even if you include the airfare.
I am also having a marvelous time in Taiwan, with many good conversations, many with old friends, some with new. I also am being hosted by a generous family at my kid's old school, borrowing a bicycle and a scooter, and generally enjoying sights, sounds, and especially tastes that have been an important part of my journey.
Of course, things have changed and are changing, and I'm now older than most, and the same age as peers we knew long ago who have left or who are leaving. Still, so far I feel the father's presence and generous provision for this trip, and I am thankful I am able to be here, even though my new granddaughter Evangeline is still back in Colorado, as well as many others that I love.
Thanks for praying, including on Monday (Sunday night if you're in the US) and beyond.
In him who keeps us all, Steve (and Laura)
Steve and Laura Spinella
US: 1930 Springcrest Rd, CO Springs 80920
mail: 9685 Otero Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Steve cell 719.355.4809, Laura cell 832.755.4261
<spinella@alumni.rice.edu> <lauraspinella@gmail.com>
<spinella@alumni.rice.edu> <lauraspinella@gmail.com>
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